Most of us spend the majority of our time functioning within our comfort zone or “zone of tolerance”. This is true for our actions, thoughts, mental patterns, emotions, and physical movements. I often encourage my students to practice in ways that create tolerable  discomfort. As a teacher, it’s also important for me to dip into the places that are unfamiliar and/or uncomfortable. 

I will readily admit that one of the things that scares me is leading chants. In the spirit of pushing my edges, I recently committed to chanting at the end of my Wednesday morning class. Was I nervous? You bet! But guess what – I didn’t die or choke up. Students didn’t laugh or stay silent or walk out. They chanted with me. And I think some of them even enjoyed it. 

So, in the spirit of expanding what’s possible, I’d like to invite you to try something that’s a little scary. Start with something small and see what happens. This isn’t an invitation to throw all caution to the wind. Be smart and keep yourself safe. But ask yourself – how do I limit myself in ways that aren’t useful? Can you nudge those places and see if there’s any movement? You just might find yourself writing a poem, running a race, or singing in public!

Thanks to those of you who chanted with me. Here’s the chant and the translation. If you’d like to hear it you can google it to find a variety of interpretations.

Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu

Translation: May all beings be happy and free, and may my thoughts, words, and actions contribute in some way to that happiness and freedom.

This is a sanskrit mantra or pledge which is understood as an expression of the universe and of our deep connection to the beings around us (people and nature).